Dissertation projects
The end of degree projects officially proposed until now in Computer Science are:
Regarding the degree of Telecommunications Engineering, the dissertations proposed are:
- WIDS: Intrusion detection in WLANs
- Improving security in WLANs by using wireless firewalls
- Automatic signature generation for anomalies through A-NIDS
- Attack detection in OMNET++. Dropping in MANETs
- Security services provisioning in distributed environments
- DDoS attacks in networks. Analysis and defenses
- WiFi-based Android-controlled robotic mobile node
- Monitoring and anomaly detection in Android devices
- Notification and alert of MANET attacks in OMNET++
- Malware analysis in Smart TV: attacks and defenses
- Data protection mechanisms in videogames
- Integration of security solutions in MANETS with NETA
- Positioning optimization of relay nodes in FANET networks
- Early detection of ransomware in Android
- Design and deployment of a data network in a real office environment
Finally, the projects developed in Electronics Engineering are: